News and Update for January 18th Town Hall

January 21, 2024

The first town hall on December 27th had 15 people attend and this last town hall had 37 people attend which is awesome! This last meeting did have some technical problems which prevented the meeting from being a success and even prevented more people from attending.

I am thankful to those who had grace and patience for me as I worked through the issues and I apologize to those who could not participate!! I have worked with Zoom and resolved the issues and looked forward to the next town hall which I am determined to make better.

Bullying was clearly the topic that people wanted to discuss and this issue is impacting students, teachers and the learning environment throughout the district in almost every school.

I have written up the questions and comments that I submitted to the superintendent Dr. Schaffer and hope that before the next town hall I will be able to share the answers with you. Click here to read

I would also like to know what are the most important topics the community would like to learn about and engage in a productive conversation that helps us learn about each other and our different views.  The survey is anonymous and click here to take the survey.

Thank you to everyone who attended and I look forward the next town hall conversation!

Have a blessed day!
